Benefit from the Capital Management Partners Experience

Our primary goal is to help you manage risks, ensure that your plan delivers optimum investment options and services, and improve employee retirement readiness.


Your Retirement Plan Specialists

Seamless integration for better outcomes.

We are dedicated to creating a reliable, seamless experience and improved outcomes for retirement plan sponsors and employees. Our objectives are aligned with your best interests and those of your employees. We stand by you to help mitigate the potential risks and liabilities of a changing retirement plan landscape.

Ways We Support You


Seasoned Guidance

We help guide your critical decisions as they relate to designing 401(k)s, 403(b)s, Individual 401(k)s, Simple IRAs, Cash Balance Plans, Pooled Employer Plans, and more.


Fiduciary Protection

We serve as a named co-fiduciary to the plan, formalize investment committee protocols, conduct ongoing fiduciary reviews, and provide guidance on regulatory changes.


Investment Support

We follow a documented process to review investment offerings, and provide an Investment Policy Statement that serves as a decision-making framework to help plan committee members manage their fiduciary obligations.


Customized Education Programs

We seek to improve the retirement readiness of your employees by creating a customized employee education program and offering individualized investment advice.


Vendor Management

You will benefit from our ongoing fee benchmarking and analysis against other vendors and plans. Our services include gathering data from several plan providers, analyzing costs and services, and facilitating finalist meetings.


Plan Design

We focus on designing a plan that can streamline your administrative responsibilities, maximize plan provisions, and promote employee satisfaction.


Helpful Resources